Welcome to Covenant Life Church
Covenant life church was founded on growing disciples for Christ who will make a difference in the world while keeping an eye on eternity.
We believe that;
- Believers can be grounded in Christ, and still fulfill God’s kingdom purpose no matter their sphere of engagement.
- Everyone has a calling that is discoverable and that they should fulfill. We place value not only on who people are to God but also on what they carry. ‘Valuing every person because they matter’ is our motto.
- The care for the holistic well-being of people is critical. We are persuaded that the stronger our regenerated spirits become, the better our physical and social lives turn out. Christ came not just to save us but to make us live our best lives now.
- Observing instruction is a key to godly living. Using it unlocks God’s blessings while it prepares us for our presentation before the Almighty at the end of time to hear these comforting words; ‘Well done, thou good and faithfully servant.’
Our Vision
To see individuals using their gifts and understanding of God to shape environments for His glory
Our Mission
- REACH people with the love of Christ, bringing them to His saving grace.
- ROOT people in Biblical truths to enable them to grow in strength and bear fruit in God’s Kingdom.
- REDEPLOY believers to God’s original purpose for them and the active witness for the kingdom.
Mercy Ministry
Covenant Life Church has been conducting mercy ministry campaigns for the less privileged for a while. Through them, many have come to the knowledge of Christ. However, as they come to Christ, they also come with needs. These needs keep growing together and the challenge of meeting them is always present. As a ministry, we try where we can for people. As we do this, your partnership in feeding, clothing, and offering a variety of assistance to those in strait and dire circumstances, go a long way in helping.
The words of Jesus in Matthew 25:40 have this admonition;
Upcoming Activities & Events
From The Blog/Inspirations
New Families During National Adoption Month
There are countless threats to the unity of the body (Colossians 3:6–9). Paul knows that brothers and sisters
Stitching Together A New Life
There are countless threats to the unity of the body (Colossians 3:6–9). Paul knows that brothers and sisters
Poor Afrikas Kids Learn To Smile Again
There are countless threats to the unity of the body (Colossians 3:6–9). Paul knows that brothers and sisters